Allan Saunders: The Man and His Legacy

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ISBN-13: 9780824820138
Published: March 2000
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216 pages
  • About the Book
  • Allan Frederic Saunders came to the Islands in August 1945, on a one-year appointment to the University of Hawai'i's Government Department. He stayed to become a much-loved teacher and administrator in the University, and a pillar of the community. His impact on the territory, and on the young, veterans returning from World War II, was enormous. Abundant evidence of his remarkable influence on the Hawai'i landscape remains to this day. Saunders was the driving force behind the establishment of the Hawai'i chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union and the League of Women Voters. He was a member of the often vilified committee that revised the state penal code. He worked months to establish a state Ethics Commission, drafting a bill and then testifying in front of numerous committees.

    This biography looks at Allan Saunders through the eyes of those he most influenced: students, colleagues, community leaders, and his wife of many years, Marion Hollenbach Saunders. Those who knew Saunders in various contexts during his teaching career or in community organizations and projects were invited to contribute essays on selected topics. In addition, the editors include speeches, articles, and letters or comments made by Saunders. Though few in number, they illuminate both the man and his vision of a just society.

  • About the Author(s)
    • Mary Anne Raywid, Editor

    • Esther Kwon Arinaga, Editor

  • Supporting Resources